Friday, January 15, 2010

Seminar Rating Chart

Positive Behaviors
___ 1. I came prepared for the seminar.
___ 2. I was courteous to the other students.
___ 3. I paused and thought before speaking.
___ 4. I listened to others tell their opinions.
___ 5. I kept an open mind for opinions different from my own.
___ 6. I acted as a positive role model for other students.
___ 7. I built on what was said just before I gave my opinion.
___ 8. I used fixed examples from the text to support statements.
___ 9. I felt comfortable speaking in the seminar.
___10. I gave my opinions clearly.

Negative Behaviors
___11. I interrupted others.
___12. I acted silly.
___13. I did not look at the person who was speaking.
___14. I talked off the topic.
___15. I talked too much or not at all

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