Monday, February 15, 2010

Seminar Rubric

Oral Presentation
1.Addresses the question using evidence from the text. Cites examples, passages, characters from the text to support answers. Comments show that the student has read the text, understood it, and is making connections between the text and ideas generated by the seminar.
2.Makes relevant comments during the seminar which show response to the previous speaker's ideas. Helps to enlarge understanding of the text and ideas generated in the seminar.
3.Takes the initiative in participating, does not have to be prompted.
4.May ask questions to clarify and deepen the discussion of ideas.

Other Presentation
1.Is on time for the seminar.
2.Shows attentiveness through body language: sitting up straight, looking at the speaker, giving the speaker the floor.
3.Does not belittle or criticize others' comments.

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